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eSHa Gastrobac Snail Killer / Antibacterial Slime Disease 10ml

eSHa Gastrobac is a highly effectively treatment against bacterial disease in fresh water aquaria. The product can be used to kill all pest snails in your Freshwater Aquarium!

In Stock - FREE DELIVERY on orders over £49 - T&C apply

A highly effectively treatment against bacterial disease in fresh water aquaria.

A fantastic snail killer treatment for your aquarium!

eSHa Gastobac treats bacterial slime disease and bacterial infections of the slime layer.

The presence of large quantities of dead organic material can result in fish diseases caused by bacteria, which are also known as bacterial slime disease.

The disease manifests itself by the slime like substance in which the affected fish but also plants and ornaments can de (partially) covered.

Large amounts of biological residues in the aquarium, such as food residues, dead plants, dead fish or snails, generally are the breeding ground for the bacteria which cause this disease.

eSHa Gastrobac can also be used as a preventative measure for treating new plants (to kill any snails on them) or ornaments before they are introduced to your aquarium.


Bottle Size: 10ml Bottles.

Treats: 500L Per Bottle.

eSHa Gastrobac is NOT tolerated by snails, aquatic gastropods (Zebra Snails, etc.) must be removed as it contains copper.

It is well tolerated by fish, shrimps, plants and filter bacteria. Side effects and contraindications: none known.

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